For years now, the Ontario Provincial Police have preached the message of “Lock it or lose it.”
Essentially, make sure your vehicle and homes are locked up when you are not around and keep valuables out of site.
Despite this, there has been a noticeable uptick in thefts from vehicles across the province, and Constable Steven Duguay said a campaign that has been running for some time in Florida came across his desk that he felt the community should know – the 9 p.m. Routine.
The idea is you set an alarm on your phone at 9 p.m. and go through a small checklist:
While ideally, this would be something that everyone would do at night – sometimes life can be chaotic and things get forgotten.
It could be as simple as forgetting to flip the switch on your front porch before bed or it could be a big mistake.
Below is a picture with a reminder of some of the key items to check off before you wind down for the evening.