Reading a book in English class led to helping fellow students in need. Grade 10 English students at Thousand Islands Secondary School, recently read a book called Tex, which featured teenage brothers who lacked essential needs and lived in poverty.
Students were inspired by the book and created the TISS Treasure Chest for students to access goods upon request or anonymously.
“It’s about learning how the children in the book are surviving poverty and how, just like in the real world, there are so many struggles growing up with not enough money, food, or clothes,” explained Grade 10 student and Treasure Chest leader Teran Ker. “We made the Treasure Chest because the main character in the book didn’t have as many clothes or much food, and we realized that those students are in our school.”
With the idea for the program firmly planted in their minds, the students started to brainstorm plans to get the TISS Treasure Chest up and running. The project moved from an English class project to an after-school-for-credit business course, with many of the same students participating, and they began applying marketing techniques to the initiative, further driving the scope and reach of the project. To spark increased community involvement, students visited local businesses with fundraising letters in hand, offering social media exposure for financial backing and donations.
Community partnerships have helped keep the Treasure Chest stocked, with 1000 Islands Toyota and PhotoVisions providing monetary donations, and The Score, Pharmasave, Boardwalk Dental, and more offering up much needed supplies. Wardrobes were also procured from the local Canadian Tire at significant discount to organize the clothing, food, and various hygiene products available to anyone who may be in need.
Students have also been collaborating with the Hospitality class, extending the real-world learning opportunities, and raising awareness of the project within the school. The class has been preparing and serving up hot, hearty lunches once a week. Healthy frozen meals are also available to take home daily.
Students involved partnered with Connect Youth Coldest Night of the year and collected many donations for their Fill A Tent event on February 23rd which was a great success.
Upcoming events for the group include a formal wear drive for prom and Grade 8 graduation, and a food drive leading up to Easter.