A Gananoque Hockey Coach is living life in the fast lane. Gananoque Royals Coach Bob Beattie has recently taken a jump into local auto racing and has plans for the future. Beattie also has support from a local car dealership as well as a local long-term care home in Gananoque..
Recently Brett Gibson had Beattie bring the car to show the residents at Carveth Care and they were very excited to see it.
Beattie talks about how he got the car and how it will all tie into the future for his son Brock, who is a current champion go kart racer.
The connection to hockey remains close with his Lansdowne based team with Brett Gibson at Carveth Care and Gananoque Minor Hockey Coach Ryan Easton of Easton Auto Sales jumping on board as sponsors. Future plans are for Beattie’s son Brock to take the wheel, when he turns 16.
(By: Tim Baltz)